Some of our most central, recent papers are available below.
For Birger Schmitz‘ complete publication list, click here: Publication list-Schmitz
K. Bjärnborg, B. Schmitz (2013) Large spinel grains in a CM chondrite (Acfer 331): Implications for reconstructions of ancient meteorite fluxes. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 48:180-194.
Read the full article here:1-2013Bjärnborg
B. Schmitz (2013) Extraterrestrial spinels and the astronomical perspective on Earth’s geological record and evolution of life. (Invited review). Chemie der Erde 73:117-145.
Read the full article here: 2-2013chemerdfinal
B. Schmitz, G.R. Huss, M.M.M. Meier, B. Peucker-Ehrenbrink, R.P. Church, A. Cronholm, M.B. Davies, P.R. Heck, A. Johansen, K. Keil, P. Kristiansson, G. Ravizza, M. Tassinari, F. Terfelt (2014) A fossil winonaite-like meteorite in Ordovician limestone: A piece of the impactor that broke up the L-chondrite parent body? Earth and Planetary Science Letters 400:145-152.
Read the full article here: 3-2014epsl2b
B. Schmitz, S. Boschi, A. Cronholm, P.R. Heck, S. Monechi, A. Montanari, F. Terfelt (2015) Fragments of Late Eocene Earth-impacting asteroids indicate disturbance of asteroid belt. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 425:77-83.
Read the full article here: 4-2015popigaiEPSL
B. Schmitz, Q.-Z.Yin, M.E. Sanborn, M. Tassinari, C.E. Caplan, G.R. Huss (2016) A new type of solar-system material recovered from Ordovician limestone. Nature Communications DOI: 10.1038/ncomms11851.
Read the full article here: 5-2016ncomms11851
S. Boschi, B. Schmitz, P.R. Heck, A. Cronholm, C. Defouilloy, N.T. Kita, S. Monechi, A. Montanari, S.S. Rout, F. Terfelt (2017) Late Eocene 3He and Ir anomalies associated with ordinary chondritic spinels. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 204:205-218.
Read the full article here: 6-2017Boschi
D. Lenaz, B. Schmitz (2017) Crystal-structure determination of chromites from NWA 6077 and NWA 725 achondrites. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 52:1763-1775.
Read the full article here: 7-2017 Lenaz and Schmitz NWA6077 & NWA725 MAPS-1
P.R. Heck, B. Schmitz, W.F. Bottke, S. S. Rout, N.T. Kita, A. Cronholm, C. Defouilloy, A. Dronov, F. Terfelt (2017) Rare meteorites common in the Ordovician period. Nature Astronomy 1, 0035, DOI: 10.1038/s41550-016-0035.
Read the full article here: 8-2017HeckNatAstr
B. Schmitz, P. R. Heck, W. Alvarez, N. T. Kita, S. S. Rout, A. Cronholm, C. Defouilloy, E. Martin, J. Smit, F. Terfelt (2017) Meteorite flux to Earth in the Early Cretaceous as reconstructed from sediment-dispersed extraterrestrial spinels. Geology 45:807- 810.
Read the full article here: 9-2017Schmitz-Geology